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It's me:
Melanie Spescha

Social worker by day, author by night 😉


10 facts about me

  1. I was born in 1994 

  2. The village where I grew up only has 600 inhabitants (and about the same number of cows ;))

  3. I studied social work and chose social pedagogy as my specialization

  4. If I could, I would live exclusively on chocolate

  5. As a child I hated anything purple - today it is my favorite color

  6. My favorite hobby is kitesurfing, even though I can't swim very well

  7. I recharge my batteries in the mountains by hiking, skiing or cross-country skiing.

  8. I only drink coffee black

  9. When I was 15 I went to England for a year, and since then I have loved black tea and baked beans and hate untoasted bread

  10. My favorite travel destinations are southern and eastern Africa

From kindergarten to kindergarten

1994: Birth

While my parents were still trying to digest the shock of my 5-week premature birth, my older brother and my grandma walked down the hospital corridor to the soundtrack of Jungle Book.


From 2017-2020 I completed the bachelor's degree in “Social Work” at the St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. 


I originally worked in a travel agency. Since my studies, I have worked as a social worker in special schools. I am currently working for a foundation in the area of prevention and health promotion.

How did Mini Movers come about?

The idea is simple:

Small children are curious, open, tolerant and eager to learn. If they are already used to dealing with people with disabilities, it is natural for them to include everyone in their jobs, decisions and everyday life even in adulthood... 


Happy children's voices

“The content of the book is timeless, not tied to a specific age and absolutely fascinated us. Thank you for this great gift!”

“The book is a blessing for society. The book is so well structured, emphatic, loving and painted in the most beautiful colors”

“My youngest almost devoured the book while reading it and shouted happily: Hey, I have a cool wheelchair too!”

About my first book:
No one is too small to be a special friend

1The animal characters in the book_edited.png

During my social work studies and my work with children with disabilities, I increasingly realized one thing in particular: actual inclusion is only possible if society is ready to include people with disabilities. So I asked myself, how do you “get” a society “ready” for this? It was clear to me: You have to start with the smallest members of society. 

Known from...


“Because friendships have no boundaries”


– Contribution from the “Think of me” foundation from January 7th, 2023


“Many people are afraid of contact with disabled people”


 – Article in the Landbote from July 5th, 2022


“Is happiness in Africa?”


– Podcast “Be Happy – The Search for Happiness” from June 26, 2022

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